




联 系 人 :戴女士 联系电话:13806580005


我们做什么 优赞隶属创越电子科技有限公司(C&Y)旗下品牌。C&Y专注于为消费者提供移动电子产品及其周边产品,包括多功能型CY4800移动电源,CD-L自动收线器,手机支架等。无论何时何地,C&Y都力求为用户提供更完美的、更人性化的体验,并不断地创新、超越自我,将继续在研发和设计上取得更大进步与突破。

我们的理念 C&Y 创越----体现了创新及超越,秉着不断地创新与超越的理念,创越团队专注于为每一位用户提供个性化及人性化的服务,在不断的实践中体现了C&Y创越“创新,超越,专注,个性化,人性化”的理念。

我们的团队 C&Y拥有着优秀的设计团队,不断地为公司注入新鲜的血液,使之不断创新。同时,C&Y拥有强大的生产伙伴,管理团队以及销售团队,为C&Y不断向前发展,不断超越提供必不可少的环境。

我们的目标 在当今这个瞬息万变的时代,一个公司要想拥有自己的一片蓝天必须不断地创新并超越自我,而C&Y正具备这几点,C&Y团队将为成为“发展快、具创新能力现代企业”而努力。

Our Range Youcan is subordinate to C&Y Electronic Technology Co.Ltd. C&Y concentrates on mobile electronic products and the peripherals,including multi-fuctional Power Banks,Automatic Cord Winders,Apple Stands,etc.We are working for better and more humanistic products anytime and anywhere.Thus,our continuous new ideas and self-surpassing will certainly contribute to a bigger progress and breakthrough in the near future. Our Concept C&Y----means innovative and surpassing in Chinese.Always sticking to the concept of being creative and transcendent,C&Y concentrates on providing customized and humanized service for every customer,and it just embodies C&Ys spirit--innovation, concentration,individuation,humanization and transcendence. Our Team C&Y has a great designing team, which injects fresh blood for C&Y all the time, ensuring new ideas.Whats more,C&Y has strong production partners,an excellent management team and a powerful sales team,which are essential to C&Ys development. Our Object A company must keeping exceeding itself and coming up with new ideas in this changing days.While C&Y possesses these advantages,and we will be striving for becoming to"the fastest and the most creative modern enterprise"

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